The American Society of Professional Estimators serves construction estimators by providing education, fellowship, and opportunity for professional development.



A primary ASPE goal is to define and publish estimating standards that, when properly employed, will produce reliable estimates in a uniformly recognizable format. Means, Richardson, and others publish unit price guides, but where can you go to find “how to” information on estimating? ASPE’s Standard Estimating Practice manuals provide just that for all sixteen CSI divisions. The standards provide not only basic and fundamental guidance in estimate preparation, but also include industry standards that are the basis for the certification of experienced estimators as Certified Professional Estimators (CPE’s). These standard estimating practices are developed and written by ASPE members in the language of estimators.



Chapter, regional, and national meetings give estimators the opportunity to share information, exchange ideas and learn about innovative techniques. Monthly chapter meetings feature guest speakers on topics of interest to those of each chapter. Serving as chapter officers or on chapter committees provides additional opportunities to learn and serve the profession. Chapter meetings also provide a forum to meet and discuss common problems with competitors and business associates.



Education, Ethics, Standards, Certification, Fellowship … these lead to the ultimate goal — Professionalism. We think you’ll agree … If all estimators were more professional, budget and other problems of the construction industry would be greatly reduced.

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