In this constantly changing world, continuing our education is one way we can keep abreast of advances in estimating and construction techniques. The American Society of Professional Estimators (ASPE) encourages a wide range of educational activities that provide learning experiences for estimators at all experience levels.

Chapter Meetings As professionals, we are constantly seeking to improve our knowledge of estimating and the construction industry. Chapter meetings include educational talks and mini-seminars on estimating and other construction related topics.

Seminars Many chapters hold seminars that provide educational benefits for members and non-members alike. These range from two-hour single topic meetings to seminars two days long covering a variety of construction and estimating topics. Annual Convention Our annual convention provides two days of presentations by nationally known speakers in the construction industry. ASPE’s Technical Documents Committee prepares a book for each convention attendee that contains papers submitted by the speakers at these educational sessions.

Higher Education ASPE members are involved in teaching, sponsoring, and providing input for estimating courses in certificate, bachelors degree, and masters degree programs at schools, colleges, and universities throughout the nation.

Scholarships In addition, the Society provides a scholarship fund to encourage young people to seek an education in construction-related fields. Many chapters also make scholarships available to students.